kpshare 发表于 2012-1-2 19:40:25


请问现在的BIOS是不是都不支持SMBus BIOS了?我按照"System Management Bus BIOS Interface Specification",在dos下check三台电脑都BIOS都发现不支持,是不是早就取消这项功能了?

4.1.1 SMBus Installation Check (01H)
This call allows the SMBus caller to determine if a system's BIOS supports the SMBus BIOS
Interface and if so, which version of the specification it supports.The values passed in BL and
CX are required to uniquely identify a legitimate caller to the SMBus BIOS Interface and, if not
present, will result in an SMBus invalid signature error.
The version number returned by this call is the highest level of SMBus BIOS Interface
specification supported by the SMBus BIOS.
The vendor-specified hardware code may be optionally used to identify the SMBus host
hardware.If this feature is not used, it must return zero.This return code may be used by
operating systems that do not want to use the BIOS services, but rather want to identify and
communicate directly with the hardware.
Call With

AX = 53B0H SMBus Access
BH = 01H SMBus Installation Check
BL = 72H
CH = 61H
CL = 64H
If function successful:
Carry = 0 SMBus is supported by BIOS
AH = 01H SMBus BIOS Interface Specification major
version number (in BCD format)
AL = 00H SMBus BIOS Interface Specification minor
version number (in BCD format)
BL = Number of SMBus Devices Present
CH = ASCII "i" character (69H)
CL = ASCII "A" character (41H)
DX = Vendor Specified SMBus Hardware Code
0000H indicates undefined hardware
If function unsuccessful:
Carry = 1
AH = Error code
0AHSMBus invalid signature
86HSMBus not supported

qhbqyj 发表于 2012-3-15 13:02:47

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