Intel Processor Vendor-Specific ACPI Interface Specification. t5 L" f6 P# E- y6 N
2 B# X k: {; vOverview
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The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface(ACPI) specification describes a number of interface that are vendor specific. These include both the concept of the "Function Fixed Hardware"(FFH) interface, whic as introduced in revision 2.0, as well as vendor-specific ACPI namespace object definitions.. ?/ ~* n k7 U% J4 X. E4 k! B
: B' A) t1 |- J6 o4 l1 Z ]( YFor specific interfaces, ACPI allow a function equvalent interface to be declared and implemented via vendor specific hardware registers along with vendor prescribed software manipulation of these. It's the vendor's responsibility to covey the interface's register descriptions and required software manipulation to operating system vendors to gain the correct implementation and support any feature in a target operating system. This document describes Intel platform specific ACPI FFH and namespace object interfaces. |