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) J2 [7 s" w, D5 `; J W' L# d7 e注意,自Intel推出calpella平台以来,chipset结构就发生了变化,三芯基本变为两芯结构,传统北桥中的(Memory、Graphic)+Processor统称为Processor,传统南桥+内置Display外围部分称为PCH(Platform Controller Hub)! z( g+ |5 B p u$ H
3 z ~& w4 Q' N" u7 [: |
Intel各平台的Roadmap最近信息见:http://www.intel.com/in/irdonline/2 z+ z% ^4 S$ }
! J) y1 q/ ^ S: D# G7 K3 k4 ~" n5 AChipset
4 ~4 o3 C( D# K* J8 t3 C; `8 Z===================================================
# g# K& F& Q/ X4 A, xIntel® 5 Series Chipset and Intel® 3400 Series Chipset Datasheet -- PCH
2 l, L1 g$ w+ N+ M9 ?9 R& D% x) v% c2 R1 ?$ D1 Q. b
Intel I/O Controller Hub 10 (ICH10) Family Datasheet
* k2 x( ?7 z3 L) T
* N0 ^: T8 e# b- {3 ]Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Datasheet- V9 F$ i4 w; G, x6 S
: Y: n) H( K0 W% ]Intel® I/O Controller Hub 9 (ICH9) Family Datasheet
+ [1 I2 W3 Q7 @) r: q' d
7 y7 k+ e O% L# t m" uMobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family Datasheet . l; V, v. y& x6 P) g! v# @: G+ l
( U& | H" `1 t$ rIntel® I/O Controller Hub 8 (ICH8) Family Datasheet
* v. V- O7 z7 |% d5 }
6 L, W9 k, Y3 q* q. N; l4 |# b3 TMobile Intel® 945 Express Chipset Family Datasheet5 ^! f" ^8 e1 U V! Z6 t3 a! y$ ^
4 k/ W7 n: B+ K7 V: C4 q2 e P
Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7)Family Datasheet./ H/ k4 Q$ Y2 X% o% V+ F
3 k/ y0 o9 q$ v% J0 h$ p
; ^2 D7 N) q2 _7 E===================================================
" G" x( U2 B e* K; kIntel® Core™ i7-600, i5-500, i5-400 and i3-300 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet � Volume 1- R5 |& P8 @; q
Intel® Core™ i7-600, i5-500, i5-400 and i3-300 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet � Volume 2
' n$ V; Q% ]1 Y% Y3 f5 H. z3 d) F
4 P! @ [( F1 B& V1 U5 RIntel® Core™2 Duo Mobile Processor, Intel® Core™2 Solo Mobile Processor and Intel® Core™2 Extreme Mobile Processor on 45-nm Process Datasheet for platforms based on Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family
N. i! N! w2 ]( W V5 ^' S! C6 B# g9 r) I
Mobile Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 Single Core Datasheet
( C8 @* @ l( Z2 A, @! `! h' A0 }/ t8 r) z1 {+ s2 R0 I. f
Intel® Core™ Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Solo Processor on 65 nm Process Datasheet
8 k9 O2 \& [; J/ o$ z, S
$ e$ d R( T: `8 E1 _1 |Intel® Celeron® M Processor Datasheet |