在FADT table中有个字段prederred_PM_profile,在SPEC中是如下叙述的" X! a3 @+ _# n
$ ?# m/ E- ]- O$ U+ C+ n& vThis field is set by the OEM to convey the preferred power
& m) y% }) z7 w, h" N3 w" S2 Dmanagement profile to OSPM. OSPM can use this field to set % c1 I Q' O+ u
default power management policy parameters during OS # p. o0 B7 I2 d* q; ~
installation. % a4 J7 R+ l# F0 ^, E( H& V
但是在实作中,确感觉不到这个有什么差异,有哪个兄弟清楚不? |