This document describes an approach for supporting standard ISA IRQs in a PCI-based system. This approach provides a mechanism for communicating IRQ status between ISA legacy components, PCI components, and PCI system controllers.3 p3 S4 C5 ]" q: H N- J
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A serial interface is specified that provides a means for transferring IRQ and/or other information from one system component to a system host controller. This document is limited to the description of the serial protocol used to transfer the required information, leaving the detailed internal implementation and any specific interrupt mapping requirements to the designer.
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This specification was developed through the collaboration of eight of the PC industry's leading suppliers of systems, system controllers, and peripheral components. Companies involved in the creation of this spec are:
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" u' E; C( k' e; N8 @ Cirrus Logic/PicoPower Standard Microsystems Corporation (SMC)5 q7 _. Q) q8 C; C$ T
Compaq Computer Corporation Texas Instruments7 b" `6 k7 V g: ^0 Z X# v( f/ f" z
National Semiconductor VLSI Technology! P& f5 y% ^4 B' z
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